UQAM - Citadins Cheerleading

Depuis la première journée de lancement de la campagne des Citadins, nous savions qu’elle passera  à l’histoire. C’est la première fois dans l’histoire qu’une université a choisi une plate-forme de financement participatif pour lever des fonds pour une équipe sportive. Les Citadins ont choisi MAKEACHAMP pour sa conception unique d’une campagne d’équipe qui met en valeur chaque membre de cette dernière. Presque chacun des athlètes a réussi à surpasser son but initial. Presque 500 supporteurs se sont réunis tous ensemble pour pousser encore plus les Citadins. Tous ensembles, ils ont réussi à amasser un total de 15,538$ atteignant 150% de...

How to choose a realistic goal?

Here we’ll walk you through a procedure you can use to set a realistic goal for your campaign. Step 1: Calculate your budget This may require some research on your part, but it is critical for you to be precise with how much money you need. You can do this by listing out all your costs or expenses. Examples can be travel tickets, hotel, meals, taxi/bus, medical bills, training and equipment cost.

The four circles of your MAKEACHAMP campaign

We've analyzed thousands of campaigns and have broken down the campaign into 4 circles - family and close friends, colleagues/teammates, friends of friends and the crowd.  Here we'll walk you through a procedure you can use to spread your campaign from your close friends all the way to the crowd. Here is a quick video with a write up below:       1st circle - Family and close friends You'd be surprised how little your close friends and family are aware of your aspirations. The first thing that you have to do is to reveal to your family members...

Writing a Campaign Description

A campaign description should be informative and captivating. But most importantly it should describe in a transparent manner what the funds will be used for. Here we'll walk you through a campaign description, part by part and also include an example.    Start with your athletic career    At the beginning of the campaign description, give us some basic details about your life, your sport and career. Here is an example: “Hey everyone, my name is David. I am 21 years old and I have been doing judo since the age of 5. I started in Toronto and currently train with...